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Enum RequestAbortErrorCode


Abort error codes. used by AbortAsync(RequestAbortErrorCode, int?).

public enum RequestAbortErrorCode


Aborted = 0

An operation was aborted (due to user action).

AccessDenied = 1

Permission to access a resource, other than the network, was denied.

AddressUnreachable = 2

The IP address is unreachable. This usually means that there is no route to the specified host or network.

BlockedByClient = 3

The client chose to block the request.

BlockedByResponse = 4

The request failed because the response was delivered along with requirements which are not met ('X-Frame-Options' and 'Content-Security-Policy' ancestor checks, for instance).

ConnectionAborted = 5

A connection timed out as a result of not receiving an ACK for data sent.

ConnectionClosed = 6

A connection was closed (corresponding to a TCP FIN).

ConnectionFailed = 7

A connection attempt failed.

ConnectionRefused = 8

A connection attempt was refused.

ConnectionReset = 9

A connection was reset (corresponding to a TCP RST).

Failed = 13

A generic failure occurred.

InternetDisconnected = 10

The Internet connection has been lost.

NameNotResolved = 11

The host name could not be resolved.

TimedOut = 12

An operation timed out.